D17623: Add YaST and new preference icons

Nathaniel Graham noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Sat Dec 29 04:38:11 GMT 2018

ngraham added a subscriber: sitter.
ngraham added a comment.

  @sitter added the test in 7d01f3d8b5c0f2c9dc6014e8e04ba5701804fec2 <https://phabricator.kde.org/R266:7d01f3d8b5c0f2c9dc6014e8e04ba5701804fec2>. Maybe he can shed some light on the best course of action here.
  Pertinent quote from the commit message:
    test_scalableDuplicates asserts that each scalable icon only appears in one scalable directory. specifically if more than one scalable variant is available the icon theme spec does not specify that the closest match is used, but among scalable versions all are considered equal so the first wins. this is a problem if apps/48/klipper.svg and apps/32/klipper.svg exist and both are marked scalable but they have different visuals. in one application the 32 version might get used and in another the 48 version is used. this tests prevents this by enforcing the equality by means of not allowing multiple scalable variants (again, not taking size constraints into consideration)

  R266 Breeze Icons


To: ndavis, #vdg, cfeck, broulik, elvisangelaccio, ngraham
Cc: sitter, fvogt, hellcp, ngraham, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, bruns
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