D17623: Add YaST and new preference icons

Noah Davis noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Sat Dec 29 04:32:22 GMT 2018

ndavis added a comment.

  OK, so it seems I can't have multiple scalable directories with different versions of the same icon when the directories have the Application context. This test is such a pain in the ass. I know most tests are there for a good reason, but this one has only ever gotten in my way and forced me to work around it. Should I just toss all the yast icons into preferences even though it's meant for KDE settings icons? I could make a brand new folder too, but it would basically be just for YaST icons and any other 3rd party control panel apps that happen to use 32px icons.

  R266 Breeze Icons


To: ndavis, #vdg, cfeck, broulik, elvisangelaccio, ngraham
Cc: fvogt, hellcp, ngraham, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, bruns
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