D17425: dcb settings

Jan Grulich noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Mon Dec 10 08:38:48 GMT 2018

jgrulich added inline comments.


> dcbsetting.cpp:53
> +
> +    for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) setPriorityFlowControl(i, other->priorityFlowControl(i));
> +    for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) setPriorityBandwidth(i, other->priorityBandwidth(i));

Not this way.

> pranavgade wrote in dcbsetting.cpp:31
> how do i do that?
> i am getting this error:
> error: class ‘NetworkManager::DcbSettingPrivate’ does not have any field named ‘setPriorityFlowControl’

something like priorityFlowControl({0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}) should work, or not? Same for othe lists.

> pranavgade wrote in dcbsetting.cpp:197
> I think it is better to have this as a safety measure, and initialising so many values manually wold take 8*6=48 lines in the beginning of the file

It should simple by just:

  if (userPriority < 8) {
     d->priorityFlowControl[userPriority] = enabled;

> pranavgade wrote in dcbsetting.cpp:212
> that may lead to a malloc assertion error sometimes, and thus a crash which is confusing to understand

Not if you initialize it at the beginning as it should be.

> pranavgade wrote in dcbsetting.cpp:393
> I get a type casting error

You can have Q_D(DcbSetting) at the beginning of fromMap() function and then instead of setFoo() have d->foo = list.

> pranavgade wrote in dcbsetting.cpp:464
> How?

Oh, right, you don't have methods for that. In that case you can again use Q_D(const DcbSetting) and push there d->priorityFlowControl and others.


To: pranavgade, jgrulich
Cc: kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, ngraham, bruns
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