D14707: autotests: skip '/' fstab check with zfs

David Faure noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Sun Aug 12 12:12:07 BST 2018

dfaure added a comment.

  The check is trying to verify that possibleMountPoints() works, by picking a mount point that we know has to exist, the root mount point. Anything else is hard to rely on, in a unittest ;)
  At least that was the logic in the old days, before all this magic that circumvents having entries in fstab...
  I don't think Live USB sticks are an issue (nobody is going to run unittests on them), but clearly containers are a valid use case which shouldn't break unittests.
  I'm not sure how to fix this without just removing any automated verification from this test method... :(

  R241 KIO


To: dfaure
Cc: bruns, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, ngraham
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