D14643: Bump the minimum logging category to Warning

Luigi Toscano noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Mon Aug 6 20:42:06 BST 2018

ltoscano added a comment.

  I was under the impression that we were generally moving towards less chatty components by default, which included having Warning as minimum default level.
  Unfortunately I don't remember anymore how I've got this idea, but I remember some patches setting the default level to Warning.
  Is there then an official policy for Frameworks? And outside Frameworks?
  It is true that Debian dropped the default qtlogging.ini file, but the first feedback from Fedora, for example, showed a strong desire of non-chatty at all.
  If you think that this can be achieved by reevaluating all the current qCInfo to fit them to qCDebug, then I will write more specific patches (in this case, for example, kf5.kio.favicons is too chatty; another case is kf5.kservice.sycoca).
  But an official policy would be needed at least for Frameworks.

  R241 KIO


To: ltoscano, dfaure
Cc: dfaure, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, ngraham, bruns
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