KAuth buildability: new CI architecture

Ben Cooksley bcooksley at kde.org
Sat Apr 15 20:28:13 UTC 2017

Hi all,

As some will be aware i've been working on a new architecture for the
CI system which will solve a number of the problems we currently have
with the current iteration.

The new design should allow us to:
1) Use different base systems for different groupings of projects
2) Will eliminate installations changing mid-build (the RSync and file
not found errors which we hit from time to time)
3) Be more efficient when fetching dependencies

Unfortunately the new architecture has itself found some issues as
installations are relocated as part of the new design (necessary to
resolve #2). While our Frameworks handle this fine (for building at
least) unfortunately Polkit-Qt can't.

This blocks the build of KAuth, and in turn about half of the whole
Frameworks stack.

I've attached the build log. Would someone please be able to investigate this?

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