Scrap baloo?

Christoph Cullmann cullmann at
Wed Sep 28 21:22:29 UTC 2016


> Generally speaking, in terms of Plasma feedback, Baloo doesn't come up
> /that/ much.
> I'm sure there's stuff in the bug tracker, but we don't have the big public
> problem that we used to have.
> I think your problems are exagerrated because of the NFS mount.
> The only problem we have is the runner bringing down the shell when we have
> the corrupt database - and from the comments above, that should be
> catchable.
You can catch that, by rewriting all current code, as there is no error handling,
but yes, that is true. One can write lmdb code that handles corrupted DBs and
catch all error cases. lmdb is no bad database in that aspect.

> --------
> Questions:
> Tracker doesn't look at xattrs at all.
> At which point we would need to think about migration.
> This is possibly solvable with a patch in tracker. The tracker maintainer
> (in 2014) sounds like he would be in support of it:
> archives/tracker-list/2014-September/msg00045.html
> and there is a writeback module in tracker.
A one way migration would be to write a tracker "miner" (if don't use the wrong word)
and move the tags into the tracker tag db, or what you cite above.

> -----
> A sizable part of your argument is based on problems with NFS . SQlite
> (that tracker uses) will surely have the same problems.
> Surely If file locks don't work, then file locks don't work....?
Not file locks in itself are the problem (at least not on recent NFS versions),
but that mmap won't work like you want. As long as the locks work, sqlite should
behave better. And tracker seems to handle corruption better, which is as said
above possible for us, too, if we rewrite all code.

> -----
> A big reason tracker seems faster/smaller than baloo is that it only
> indexes the main XDG folders: Documents/Music/Pictures/Downloads by
> default.
> Would you change that?
Actually: No idea. Perhaps such a default is better for the "normal" user,
perhaps not, but actually which folders are indexed is a indexer independent
debate I think.


----------------------------- Dr.-Ing. Christoph Cullmann ---------
AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH      Email: cullmann at
Science Park 1                         Tel:   +49-681-38360-22
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