Review Request 128283: Add checksums tab to the properties dialog

Elvis Angelaccio elvis.angelaccio at
Tue Jun 28 13:50:16 UTC 2016

> On June 27, 2016, 12:16 p.m., Thomas Pfeiffer wrote:
> > Thank you for implementing the suggestion!
> > There are still some issues with it:
> > 1. HIG says "Avoid using color as a primary method of communication". A red-green blind person would have no tell success apart from failure here. Please write "Checksums match" or "Checksums do not match" below.
> > 2. A test I just did with a "regular" user showed that she did not know what to do with the verification box. I'd suggest writing above it "Copy and paste a checksum provided for example on the website you downloaded the file from in the field below."
> > 3.  It would be great if you could insert an expander which shows further instructions if the checksums don't match, e.g. "This may be due to a faulty download. Try re-downloading the file. If the verification still fails, contact the source of the file."
> > 4.  What happens if you type the checksum in manually? At witch point does it start verifying?
> Elvis Angelaccio wrote:
>     > What happens if you type the checksum in manually? At witch point does it start verifying?
>     It starts as soon as the input is a valid MD5, SHA1 or SHA256 checksum (which means 32, 40 or 64 hexadecimal digits). If it's not valid, the box becomes red and a tooltip explains what's wrong. I'm assuming that most of the times the user is going to copy-paste the whole checksum.
>     > It would be great if you could insert an expander which shows further instructions if the checksums don't match, e.g. "This may be due to a faulty download. Try re-downloading the file. If the verification still fails, contact the source of the file."
>     An expander should be doable (using KCollapsibleGroupBox), but if we're going to add a label "Checksums do not match", why not just adding another label below? (with the expanded error message). There is more than enough space in the dialog.
> Thomas Pfeiffer wrote:
>     It might look a bit "cleaner" with an expander, but you are right, we have the space and it's not like people have to see the whole thing that often, so it's fine.
>     I think we might have made checksum checking actually usable for normal people :) 
>     (if they know where to find it, that is)

Thanks! What do you think of the Luigi's proposal? (showing the computed checksum in place of the corresponding "Calculate" button)

- Elvis

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On June 27, 2016, 3:46 p.m., Elvis Angelaccio wrote:
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> (Updated June 27, 2016, 3:46 p.m.)
> Review request for KDE Frameworks, KDE Usability and David Faure.
> Repository: kio
> Description
> -------
> This patch adds a Checksums tab in the properties dialog, where the user can retrieve and verify the most popular checksum algorithms (md5, sha1 and sha256). 
> To simplify the implementation, the checksums are computed as soon as the user opens the dialog. This can take a while if the file is huge (in particular with sha256), but the computation happens in another thread and in practice this should not be a performance problem.
> The tab is available only for readable local files (no simlinks) and only when there is a single selection.
> Please note that some of the labels in the screenshots are clipped due to a bug in breeze:
> Diffs
> -----
>   src/widgets/CMakeLists.txt f906577 
>   src/widgets/checksumswidget.ui PRE-CREATION 
>   src/widgets/kpropertiesdialog.cpp d0a2faa 
>   src/widgets/kpropertiesdialog_p.h c01554e 
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> * Check whether the computed values match the values from md5sum, sha1sum, sha256sum.
> * Check whether the line edits get a green background if the computed and expected values match.
> * Check whether the line edits get a red background if the computed and expected values differ.
> File Attachments
> ----------------
> MD5 ready to be shared
> Default dialog
> Mismatch
> Match
> Invalid checksum
> Thanks,
> Elvis Angelaccio

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