Replacing the "- name: All" platform wildcard

Olivier Churlaud olivier at
Wed Jun 15 10:51:59 UTC 2016

Le 15.06.2016 10:16, Andreas Cord-Landwehr a écrit :
> Hey all,
> in preparation for getting information about Android as supported 
> platform on
>, I would like to purge the "- name: All" platform wildcard 
> from
> all metainfo.yaml files and replace it by:
>     - name: Linux
>     - name: Windows
>     - name: MacOSX
> I did this change by running the following one-liner:
> sed -i 's/    - name: All/    - name: Linux\n    - name: Windows\n    - 
> name:
> MacOSX/g' `find */metainfo.yaml`
> from my frameworks checkout folder in my kdesrc-build subdirectory.
> Now, my question is, how shall I proceed in terms of reviewing? Of 
> cause I
> could "simply" fill about 70 review requests. Or I could just grab some 
> KF5
> developer who is currently in Randa to watch over my shoulders when 
> committing
> this and bypassing reviewboard.
> Suggestions?
> Cheers,
> Andreas


I wrote a long mail explaining another idea I had (see below) but at the 
end, I would say that you find a framework guy to back you and you go 
forward (it's what I did when I updated kapidox).

The long mail that is there just for information:

I have 2 options:

1) Grab a Framework dev to back you and go forward
2) Don't do this and tell me what you think about the alternative I have 
in mind:

The metadata.yaml connect themselves do build groups and subgroups. This 
is done by the group_info keyword (which can be found from the 
frameworks in the KApiDox repo). What I can do is that a group can 
define platforms. If set to all, a framework would inheritate all 
platforms defined in the group one. Else only the ones it defines.

If a frameworks says 'all' and it's not defined, it falls back to Linux, 
Windows, MacOSX.

The rationale behind this proposition is to keep the metainfo.yaml as 
short as possible: Every redundant info should be declared by the 

The only problem I see is that if suddently a framework can do iOS or 
Windows phone, the 'All' would need to be updated in every frameworks. 
Naaa then 'All' is useless...

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