Deadlock in kded whith Qt 5.6

Thiago Macieira thiago at
Thu Jan 21 21:54:32 UTC 2016

On Thursday 21 January 2016 08:37:38 David Faure wrote:
> > I didn't see any "invoking message spies" of the debug I left. Are you
> > sure
> > this had the hook installed?
> You mean the messageFilter? That's exactly the issue, that it's not getting
> called. Therefore autoload doesn't happen.
> It might be a consequence of your previous commit (1f6fa1f37a14742dd),
> not necessarily a problem in the current patch under test.

I don't see how. The spy hooks are called before the queue would get 
suspended. We can invert the order to see if it helps, but I don't see how it 
would help or hinder. It would make the code more complex.

Can I limit the spy hook to method calls? That is, exclude signals.

> > For that matter, can you apply the attached patch so we also get feedback
> > on the queued delivery?
> With this patch applied, here's one log for the first call
> (autostart+autoload, doesn't work)

This one says "delivery is suspended" a couple of times. But as I said, the 
spy processing happens *before* this, with conditional:

    if (Q_UNLIKELY(qDBusSpyHookList.exists()) && qApp) {

The list exists if you've installed a hook. Is it possible that this is 
happening before the QCoreApplication is created?

Note the race condition: you should install the hook *before* connecting to 
the bus. But even if that were the case, we should still be seeing the spy 

> and one log for the second call (kded already started, autoload works)

This one shows "invoking message spies"
Thiago Macieira - thiago (AT) - thiago (AT)
   Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center
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