test failures on http://ci-logs.kde.flaska.net
Jan Kundrát
jkt at kde.org
Sun Jan 3 15:29:15 UTC 2016
> And indeed the value of XDG_DATA_DIRS in
> http://ci-logs.kde.flaska.net/7f/7f50569d59eabc20897f54fb97483bd7f8b89d63/rebuilddep/rebuilddep-kf5-qt55-clang-el7/3cef5be/shell_output.log
> is long and messy and has /usr/share in front (so it's viewed
> as being "on top of" the kde mimetype file, while it's supposed
> to be the other way around).
Good catch, thanks for debugging this. This was caused by my change to the
KDE CI scripts, and unfortunately these systemwide locations were being
pushed for each project in the current project's dependencies rather than
just once at the very end.
Fixed now, and KIO's tests are once again all green.
Cheers from a rainy Lesvos,
Trojitá, a fast Qt IMAP e-mail client -- http://trojita.flaska.net/
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