Review Request 125325: New widget KCollapsibleGroupBox

David Edmundson david at
Thu Sep 24 19:38:54 UTC 2015

> On Sept. 24, 2015, 8:04 a.m., Hugo Pereira Da Costa wrote:
> > +1 on the idea.
> > Note that gtk has such a widget (which looks exactly like yours) since quite some time already
> Hugo Pereira Da Costa wrote:
>     Testing, there are some issues though. The fact for instance that mouse-over and focus are deliberatly merged, and shown on the arrow only is very confusing, at least in breeze, and also oxygen.
>     To me the header should be rendered more or less like a checkbox, with an arrow in place of the check mark, but with the same mouse-over and focus effects as checkboxes. For breeze (and oxygen at kf5), that would be underlined text. But then this is naturally style dependent. One should investigate further how one can better re-use existing style elements. I'll try to give it a shot locally.

Made a version that acts more like Checkbox using CE_CheckboxLabel for drawing.
I had to make the sizehints behave like a checkbox so the minimum width now fits the text rather than eliding. 

Breeze gets the blue underline, oxygen and fusion don't get any change on focus. So I'm on the fence as to which was better

- David

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On Sept. 24, 2015, 7:34 p.m., David Edmundson wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
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> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated Sept. 24, 2015, 7:34 p.m.)
> Review request for KDE Frameworks and Christoph Feck.
> Repository: kwidgetsaddons
> Description
> -------
> A groupbox featuring a clickable header and arrow indicator that can be
> expanded and collapsed to reveal the box content
> Widget features a close and collapse animation and works as expected in
> QtDesigner.
> --
> Screenshot explains what I mean better than the description above.
> I've been given at least 3 mockups from the VDG mockup which feature using this widget, clearly there's a demand for it. 
> It's a bit like QToolBox, except no-one uses it because QToolbox has a weird way of only expanding one at a time, and looks a bit weird so no-one uses it.
> Diffs
> -----
>   src/CMakeLists.txt e03e9bbd6d73811873b0a465f86da269f4295138 
>   src/kcollapsiblegroupbox.h PRE-CREATION 
>   src/kcollapsiblegroupbox.cpp PRE-CREATION 
>   tests/CMakeLists.txt 180b0ef1f8900247da59112612ee87dd3164c8af 
>   tests/kcollapsiblegroupboxtest.cpp PRE-CREATION 
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> Made little test app (see screenshot)
> Wrote QtDesigner plugin, and played with it there.
> File Attachments
> ----------------
> kcollapsiblegroupbox.png
> Thanks,
> David Edmundson

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