KService autotests and tests on OS X

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at gmail.com
Tue Nov 10 23:24:45 UTC 2015


Are the autotests and tests of the KService framework supposed to run on OS X? I tried them, and

1) most simply hang after printing an error about a missing application menu (I no longer have the exact message)

2) I discovered, some time after having attempted to run these, that a large number of the app bundles under /Applications HAD GONE MISSING.

There was no indication on the calling terminal of what was going on (otherwise I'd not have let it delete as much as it did), but the timestamps on the remaining directories that had elements removed do coincide with the time frame where I was trying to run the tests.

While it's my own fault to do this kind of thing as a user with write permissions in such an important location it's not my fault that the software apparently attempted to do this.

I haven't yet had the time to try to understand what the code is supposed to do, but does this seem possible?

For reference, /Applications is where OS X puts all its application bundles (directories with a .app extension, containing the binary and resources required to run); it's also the location returned by QStandardPaths::ApplicationsLocation . Indeed it *seems* I only lost stuff from there (and fortunately I had a TimeMachine backup from just before the debacle).


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