KF 5.8 changelog

David Faure faure at kde.org
Fri Mar 13 09:12:24 UTC 2015

On Friday 13 March 2015 09:29:44 David Faure wrote:
> #### Plasma framework
> * Fix plasmapkg2 for translated systems
> * Improve tooltip layout
> * Make it possible to let plasmoids to load scripts outside the plasma
> package 
> ...

Plasma-framework developers: this "..." means, please use CHANGELOG in your 
commits, I couldn't guess what they are about, for most of them.
For instance "Make it possible for ContainmentInterface to deal with 
WrappedMimeData" is chinese to me.

The goal of the CHANGELOG line is to describe the change from the point of 
view of a developer using the framework, or from the point of view of a user 
running this code, while the rest of commit messages are often written from 
the implementation point of view, as in the example above (which is fine, as 
long as there's a CHANGELOG line further below).

But if I don't care for the changelog, I'm happy to keep writing "..." :-)

David Faure, faure at kde.org, http://www.davidfaure.fr
Working on KDE Frameworks 5

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