KF 5.8 changelog
David Faure
faure at kde.org
Fri Mar 13 08:29:44 UTC 2015
New frameworks:
* KPeople, provides access to all contacts and the people who hold them
* KXmlRpcClient, interaction with XMLRPC services
### General
* A number of build fixes for compiling with the upcoming Qt 5.5
### KActivities
* Resources scoring service is now finalized
### KArchive
* Stop failing on ZIP files with redundant data descriptors
### KCMUtils
* Restore KCModule::setAuthAction
### KCoreAddons
* KPluginMetadata: add support for Hidden key
### KDeclarative
* Prefer exposing lists to QML with QJsonArray
* Handle non default devicePixelRatios in images
* Expose hasUrls in DeclarativeMimeData
* Allow users to configure how many horizontal lines are drawn
### KDocTools
* Fix the build on MacOSX when using Homebrew
* Better styling of media objects (images, ...) in documentation
* Encode invalid chars in paths used in XML DTDs, avoiding errors
### KGlobalAccel
* Activation timestamp set as dynamic property on triggered QAction.
### KIconThemes
* Fix QIcon::fromTheme(xxx, someFallback) would not return the fallback
### KImageFormats
* Make PSD image reader endianess-agnostic.
### KIO
* Deprecate UDSEntry::listFields and add the UDSEntry::fields method which
returns a QVector without costly conversion.
* Sync bookmarkmanager only if change was by this process (bug 343735)
* Fix startup of kssld5 dbus service
* Implement quota-used-bytes and quota-available-bytes from RFC 4331 to enable
free space information in http ioslave.
### KNotifications
* Delay the audio init until actually needed
* Fix notification config not applying instantly
* Fix audio notifications stopping after first file played
### KNotifyConfig
* Add optional dependency on QtSpeech to reenable speaking notifications.
### KService
* KPluginInfo: support stringlists as properties
### KTextEditor
* Add word count statistics in statusbar
* vimode: fix crash when removing last line in Visual Line mode
### KWidgetsAddons
* Make KRatingWidget cope with devicePixelRatio
### KWindowSystem
* KSelectionWatcher and KSelectionOwner can be used without depending on
* KXMessages can be used without depending on QX11Info
### NetworkManagerQt
* Add new properties and methods from NetworkManager 1.0.0
#### Plasma framework
* Fix plasmapkg2 for translated systems
* Improve tooltip layout
* Make it possible to let plasmoids to load scripts outside the plasma package
### Buildsystem changes (extra-cmake-modules)
* Extend ecm_generate_headers macro to also support CamelCase.h headers
David Faure, faure at kde.org, http://www.davidfaure.fr
Working on KDE Frameworks 5
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