KPeople part of KDE Frameworks

Marko Käning mk-lists at
Wed Mar 4 21:36:47 UTC 2015

Dear Michael,

On 04 Mar 2015, at 02:00 , Michael Pyne <mpyne at> wrote:
> There's a reason I'd mentioned kdesrc-build's current behavior in my reply to 
> that RR. :)

yep, I figured that.

And thus I decided to come back to this issue - targeting a wider audience. :)

> I personally would retain empty entries.

OK, I see, it makes sense to revert all these removals then, just to make sure
that the current state of kdesrc-build behaves as it was supposed to do with
these explicit defines…

> But that would be a significant behavior change, especially for lesser-used 
> modules (e.g. in playground/) that don't necessarily receive CI coverage, but 
> which users and developers may still want to build via kdesrc-build.

Yes, I see that point. I guess the majority of projects currently does NOT have
CI… So, imposing the CI’s way of dealing with dependencies would add a lot of
extra work on all devs…

> I think the real solution (so that we don't need empty branch-group hacks) 
> would come from finally implementing the proposal Ben and I had made back in 
> August 2014 (currently just an email thread in kde-frameworks-devel 

Yes, I remember your post from last August, but unfortunately there was no
(visual) feedback on the list, nor is there any feedback here on K-F-D up to
now - which is no good news, I suppose.

> I ran out of time to do effectively any development for some months after 
> that, so as far as I know there's been no progress. But that's the direction 
> we *intend* to head... now would be a good time if you want to review the 
> proposal to see if it would help or hurt your efforts.

Right, I do believe it is time to come up with a decision in this respect!
In the light of Ben’s and Scarlett’s work on the new (multi-platform) KDE/CI
system it would be good to also tackle dependency definitions for kdesrc-build.
Scarlett has already acted in this regard, so it would be good if we could
make that more consistent for kdesrc-build as well.

Yet, I am afraid the subject of this thread isn’t attracting too many readers.
Probably you should simply repost your proposal from last August and ask for
any active discussion. I believe CI is a critical component for KDE’s further
development and thus shouldn’t be treated with too much neglect. ;-)


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