system tray test?

René J. V. Bertin rjvbertin at
Fri Dec 11 19:09:25 UTC 2015

Sebastian Kügler wrote:

> Not sure what exactly you mean with "putting up and controlling an icon in the
> system tray", but we do have a status notifier test app, you can find it in:
> plasma-workspace/applets/systemtray/tests/statusnotifier

Heh, that must be because I asked the question in one of those "I should be 
doing something else right now, but I'd better handle this lest I forget it 
again" moments. I referred to KSystemTrayIcon, and I see that it's being 
replaced with KStatusNotifierItem.

> There are also some test programs in frameworks/knotifications/tests, you may
> want to look at.

Indeed. Thanks for pointing that out. kstatusnotifieritemtest mostly works. 
There are some complaints about missing icons though.

And I see there is the platform-specific issue with the tray menu's title item:

titleAction = m->addSection(qApp->windowIcon(), title);

will only add a separator on platforms that don't support texted separators 
(basically all except for X11 and maybe Wayland). Qt's position on this is 
"don't use addSection (unless you don't care about the text getting lost)" but I 
think this is an application where the text should definitely *not* get lost.

I'd suggest replacing the line above with a sequence "m->addAction, m-
>addSeparator" on OS X, or do you have other suggestions?


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