Review Request 126245: Cookie dialogue: make Accept/Reject buttons work, and other fixes

Jonathan Marten jjm at
Fri Dec 4 17:16:44 UTC 2015

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Review request for KDE Frameworks.

Repository: kio


The "You received a cookie from..." dialogue appears, but there are a number of things that do not work as intended.  This patch corrects them.

1. The first two buttons were presumably intended to be "Accept" and "Reject" as for KDE4, but they actually said "Reject" and "No".  This was a simple cut/paste error.

2. Clicking either of these buttons did nothing.  They needed to be connected to accept() and reject() in order to make the exec() called from KCookieServer::checkCookies() return a result.

3. The "Set or modify the cookie information" button text was too wide, making the dialogue width far wider than needed for the cookie information.  The dialogue looks better with this changed back to "Details" (with the same icon as for KDE4) with the full text in a tooltip.

4. The state of the hide/show details was not being saved correctly.  Using !isHidden() instead of isVisible() gets the correct information.


  src/ioslaves/http/kcookiejar/kcookiewin.cpp 56a283f 



Built kio with these changes, checked operation of the cookie dialogue in Konqueror.


Jonathan Marten

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