There's no proper replacement for KIcon

Albert Astals Cid aacid at
Wed Sep 3 21:38:17 UTC 2014

El Dimecres, 3 de setembre de 2014, a les 23:23:37, Eike Hein va escriure:
> On 09/03/2014 11:12 PM, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> > Which attack tone? I merely did a question.
> Yes, a "Did you stop beating your wife?"-type loaded
> question casting me as an ally to evil app-breaking
> perpetrators, while answering a specific technical
> question someone had.

I already explained on IRC why my question has nothing to do with "Did you 
stop beating your wife?", let me explain why.

"Did you stop beating your wife?" has two answers:
No -> means you did and do beat your wife
Yes -> means you did beat your wife and do not anymore
So whatever you answer "Yes" or "No" it carries the information that "you did 
beat your wife". That's why it's called a loaded question.

"Are you suggesting it is acceptable for my apps to regress <more stuff>?" has 
two answers:
No -> you think it's not ok for apps to regress
Yes -> you think it's ok for apps to regress.
In this question both answers provide a separate set of values, so it is not a 
loaded question. 

> > What more analysis you want besides "QIcon::fromTheme can never default to
> > oxygen as KIcon did so it's not a proper replacement"?
> Why this is a problem for you and others, and why you feel
> it needs to be solved at the level you suggest. Since you
> expect others to do this work for you as per your mail,
> that would help in enabling them to do so.

It is a problem because you have no icons anymore since oxygen is no longer 
the default theme (and hicolor is not really a theme just a default).

> > What would a distro do?
> A distro or system administrator would make sure that
> either a suitable Qt platform plugin exists and works,
> or that a suitable 'hicolor' theme is installed, for
> the environment they expect users to use.

No distro provides any suitable "hicolor" theme. As far as i understand from 
reading the spec that's even discouraged.

> I don't see how Qt can solve this for all scenarios,
> or needs to when the spec already specifies a fall-
> back. I don't see why KF5 should override this fall-
> back, or why the fallback should be Oxygen. Oxygen is
> not a part of KF5, it's just an fd.o-compliant icon
> theme. KF5 and Qt target the fd.o spec. Qt provides
> mechanisms to adapt the behavior to the environment
> etc etc.
> Can I think up scenarios where the ball gets dropped?
> Yes. I'm not sure those scenarios are relevant because
> all the options seem to be there to fix them. So don't
> see where the loophole is.

I don't care where and how it's fixed, but i have apps that had icons and now 
don't, in my opinion we need to get them back.

> > I don't know, i tried fixing the problem by myself presented a review that
> > was approved (common ownersip!) but my code has been accused of
> > bastardization so i had to revert it.
> I didn't see that review. Maybe linking to it in your
> mail would have provided some useful context.
And a discussion this morning in that channel that does not exist.


> > Cheers,
> > 
> >    Albert
> Cheers,
> Eike
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