Issues for Qt5/KF5/KDE/CI system on OSX/MacPorts

Marko Käning mk-lists at
Thu May 29 09:09:37 UTC 2014

Hi Ben,

On 29 May 2014, at 09:05 , Ben Cooksley <bcooksley at> wrote:
> In terms of the value of DATA_INSTALL_DIR, I suggest you examine the
> install jail (located at $WORKSPACE/install/) to determine where the
> files are actually being placed and act accordingly.

Those files go into share/kf5 as you’ve pointed out earlier, yes.

And the contents of kdoctools' customization folder can be found below


which is where it should go.

BUT, the KDE/CI scripts obviously do not pass that folder to kdoctools when it is called while building e.g. kconfigwidgets.

I’ve been here already. :)

Looks like we do have to add 


to kdoctools’ search path on the KDE/CI system.

Question is, how to achieve it?
Will we indeed have to patch its sources?


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