Final kde-runtime splitting plan

Albert Astals Cid aacid at
Wed Mar 26 21:02:20 UTC 2014

El Dimecres, 26 de març de 2014, a les 11:42:01, Àlex Fiestas va escriure:
> On Tuesday 25 March 2014 20:00:51 Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> > Can you give a rationale of why we're removing the following things?
> > 
> > kfile4
> kfile4 is only useful to test a library that is right now on kde4support.
> Maybe we can move it there if you want.

Wouldn't hurt. What do others think?

> > kio_cgi
> Who needs to execute a cgi script without a web server? If you do then we
> can move it its own repo, I really don't want to see distributions shipping
> this kio in a package such of "kioslaves-extras" since it really doesn't
> offer anything useful for most of our user base.

Well you can't know it offers anything useful, and at the end it's a few lines 
of code that doesn't seem to need lots of maintainance, so why kill them?

> > kio settings
> Browsing the settings in the file browser does not seem like a really
> convenient thing to have, and of course it adds more code to maintain.
> If you want to keep it that's fine but then please become maintainer and
> tell us where to move it (maybe kioslave-extra?).

Same as kio_cgi, I don't see why you want to kill something "that works" and 
that you have no objective way to know if people are using or not.


> Cheers!

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