Binary incompatible changes

David Faure faure at
Sat Mar 1 15:06:24 UTC 2014

On Saturday 01 March 2014 16:03:52 David Faure wrote:
> So yeah, it's doable, but quite painful. I wish we could script this, but
> "wait for CI" is hard to script... 

Oh, and if one doesn't have the rights for "Build Now" on, one 
cannot fix things after messing up the push order.

Overall, the ideal solution would be if jenkins could notice that it needs to 
rebuild both A and B, and B depends on A (which it knows), so it needs to 
build A before B, rather than building B on top of an outdated A...

David Faure, faure at,
Working on KDE, in particular KDE Frameworks 5

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