Change the ML default reply-to address

Kevin Krammer krammer at
Wed Jan 29 10:23:31 UTC 2014

On Wednesday, 2014-01-29, 09:01:00, Martin Klapetek wrote:

> Let's be pragmatic, how many times it happened to you that you actually
> responded to the author alone while you actually intended to respond to the
> list?

How would that happen?
Replying to the list always replies to the list.

> It's just super annoying if you're communicating with lists like
> plasma-devel which has reply-to-list and dozen more KDE MLs which also have
> reply-to-list and then you're responding to k-f-devel and everytime it's
> that "oh wait, I need to change the reply-to address".

I am subscribed to more than two dozend KDE mailinglist (and numerous others).
I post to some of the regularily while some others only sporadically.
"New mail to list" and "reply to list" have *always* sent the mail to the 

The only thing that is not reliably working across lists is reply in private 
mail. For that to work repliably I've fallen back to using the mouse and 
right-clicking the right address. Pretty annoying but some mailinglists seem 
to have broken setups.

Kevin Krammer, KDE developer, xdg-utils developer
KDE user support, developer mentoring
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