Git merge checking

Luigi Toscano luigi.toscano at
Thu Jan 16 23:53:59 UTC 2014

Alex Merry wrote:
> I've done some git magic to copy the common/ directory (or, at least,
> the relevant parts) from kapidox to kdoctools (where those files should
> be located) in a history-preserving manner (for

Thanks for the effort!

> This can be found at kde:clones/kdoctools/alexmerry/kapidox-merge
> Can someone check that this looks sensible before I push it to the
> actual kdoctools repo?

I can retrieve the full history using grafts. Only two details:
- flat.css, kde.css and print.css are part of the doxygen stuff, they should
be in the other repository;
- mainfooter.html and mainheader.html have been removed from both
repositories, but they are (were) part of doxygen stuff. Is it correct?


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