kprintutils - next steps

John Layt jlayt at
Sun Feb 23 19:02:19 UTC 2014


I've just merged my clean-ups for kprintutils to remove everything not needed 
due to the changes in Qt5.  Basically what is now left is so minimal that I 
see no benefit in keeping it as a framework and propose we move it to 
kde4support instead.

There are two parts to kprintutils:

1) The KdePrint::createPrintDialog() static methods.  These used to add 
standard KDE add-on tabs to the dialog to implement missing CUPS features.  
With these features moved to Qt, this code is nothing more than syntactic 
sugar for an app adding its own tabs.  We could keep kprintutils in case we 
add new features in the future, such as poster printing like KPrinter4 does, 
but I'd rather put the effort into finding a nice way to do that in Qt itself.

2) KPrintPreview.  This uses KParts to preview the document as a pdf in the 
Okular part, however it lacks many features found in QPrintPreview which 
wasn't available when 4.0 was released.  Many apps have already voted with 
their feet (Kate, Calligra, etc) and I'd rather put the effort into 
QPrintPreview if any changes are needed.

I believe the steps required are:

1) Port existing apps that are already ported to KF5 away from 
- Okteta
- kfontinst
- ktexteditor
- None use KPrintPreview

2) Copy code from kprintutils to kde4support
- Do we bother to keep the history?
- Where do we put it?

3) Update porting guide

4) Update dependencies/kdesrc-build, etc?

5) Delete kprintutils repo

6) Find me something else to maintain...



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