Frameworks sprint in Barcelona

David Faure faure at
Sat Feb 22 09:28:30 UTC 2014

On Wednesday 29 January 2014 17:58:09 Mark Gaiser wrote:
> I only filled in April 3rd since that makes worth to stay in barcelona
> after the pim sprint.

Strange way of using doodle. Red is supposed to mean "impossible", not 
"slightly less convenient".
Because the way you filled it in, it reads like it's either you or me, no 
common time slot where we would both be available, which I suspect is not 
actually true, given your comment above.

On the other hand, assuming you would be also available later if you had 
filled this in the normal way, then April 24-28 looks better, with Aurélien 
Gateau and myself being available too (and we wouldn't lose anyone else).

On my part I'm not 100% sure about being unavailable April 3-6, it was the 
tentative dates for a freedesktop meeting with Ryan Lortie, but I didn't get 
news since then, so I just ping'ed him about that. I'll give you an update as 
soon as I know more.

(I'm also a bit unsure about staying 10 days in a row in Barcelona... 
minimizing travel is good, but there's work work, family, etc. But maybe I 
won't come to the PIM sprint anyway, if all three end up the same month, so 
never mind.)

David Faure, faure at,
Working on KDE, in particular KDE Frameworks 5

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