KF5 Update Meeting Minutes 2014-w17
Allen Winter
winter at kde.org
Tue Apr 22 15:02:55 UTC 2014
On Tuesday, April 22, 2014 03:36:28 PM Jonathan Riddell wrote:
> Chair: Riddell
> Reports this week: alexmerry, agateau, apol, mck182, PovAddictW, tosky
> Observing: markg85, MJD, notmart
> Announcements:
> - Sprint: Thursday to Monday, in Barcelona https://sprints.kde.org/sprint/224
> notes page: https://notes.kde.org/p/frameworks-sprint-2014
> - Beta 2, a week on Thursday, May 1st
> =Alex Merry=
> alexmerry> I have been doing lots of ECM improvements, getting it in a releasable state
> alexmerry> have a ton of review requests open
> Riddell> alexmerry: svuorela is concerned that the location of directories is set in an ECM file which needs patched by distros and thinks this might not be the best place to set such policy, have you come across that?
> alexmerry> Riddell: yes, but I'm not convinced distros do need to patch it
> alexmerry> other plans for the sprint involve trying to grab people who have access to unusual hardware (non x64_64) for some kimageformats issues
> =Aurélien Gâteau=
> agateau> working on translations lately
> agateau> Almost done with Qt-based frameworks support. Still need to find out how to handle plural forms: for each framework, a plural-only english .po needs to be kept updated.
> agateau> Question: who should be responsible for this? (I suggested en_GB people but haven't received any feedback for this)
> (en_GB mostly inactive)
> =Aleix Pol=
> apol> I have the ongoing effort of moving the documentation around, making sure everything is in place
> =Martin Klapetek=
> mck182> I changed the default assignees on the bug reports
> mck182> and left a default cc to kdelibs-bugs at kde.org
> mck182> there are still lots of frameworks without maintainers
> mck182> so can people please please update the list
> mck182> http://community.kde.org/Frameworks/List
> mck182> that is, if you're a maintainer and your framework says TBD, please update
> mck182> also I reset the assignee on some bugs
> mck182> and did some triaging
> =Nicolás Alvarez=
> PovAddictW> I fixed some more frameworks for buildability on Windows, and started adding emerge (Windows's kdesrc-build) packages for them
> PovAddictW> kio is still waiting on a big patch from arichardson, but all of kio's dependencies are there
> PovAddictW> I also cleaned up leftover "if we're building inside monolithic kdelibs" checks in all frameworks's CMakeLists.txt
> =Luigi Toscano=
> tosky> no computer during weekend, so my final (for kf5.0) kdoctools tasks are still ongoing
> tosky> namely, moving the common directory from svn/trunk/l10n-<whatever> to kdoctools as other common stuff, renaming it and finally install it but I will fix it before the new beta
=Allen Winter=
For no reason in particular, I thought to try kdesrc-build frameworks on my slow Macbook Pro.
So I've been plodding through trying to get a clean build going on Mac. Made some progress
with Harald's help. Stuck in docbook hell at the moment (kdoctools/xslt.cpp says it can't
find the customizations). Anyway, just thought I'd mention this.
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