further coinstallability

Stephen Kelly steveire at gmail.com
Sun Nov 24 20:45:47 UTC 2013

Jonathan Riddell wrote:

> developer files matter to some people to be co-installable. 

> Header files and others can probably be moved to a
> separate directory 

Can you be more specific about why this is easy with header files? Does this 
refer to installing to a include/KF5 directory?

> but cmake files are harder e.g. /usr/lib/cmake/grantlee
> has files
> which they will want to be co-installable.  cmake docs say they can be
> installed into a versioned directory e.g. /usr/lib/cmake/grantlee-5 but
> this needs to be checked and the build system modified.

Which cmake docs say this? This doesn't ring a bell for me.



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