Getting ecm files from the ECM package

Alexander Neundorf neundorf at
Sun Nov 3 13:32:25 UTC 2013

On Sunday 03 November 2013, Stephen Kelly wrote:
> Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> > e.g. keeping code like always, unconditional, hardcoded searching for
> > QtCore
> 'hardcoded' doesn't have any meaning in this context.
> The code you are talking about is neither 'always', nor 'unconditional'.

come on.


the current release is 2.8.12, so this if() is basically an if(TRUE).
So it is for all practical purposes unconditional.
It is in ECMConfig.cmake, and not in some place related to Qt or KDE, so no 
matter how you want to use ECM, you always have these lines executed.

>    find_package(Qt5Core 5.2.0 REQUIRED)
>    ...
>  else()
>    message(FATAL_ERROR \"Remove this hack.\")
>  endif()
> It's another reason not to release ECM yet.

You should have never committed such code to this file is my point. Without 
such commits it would be perfectly possible to release ECM since more than a 
year. But it has been used as a place where you can quickly put cmake stuff to 
make things work for KDE frameworks, and so it cannot be released.


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