[extra-cmake-modules] find-modules: Remove FindKF5.cmake.

Stephen Kelly steveire at gmail.com
Sat Nov 2 12:36:42 UTC 2013

Git commit ef93f7db4c1f4c432b053ae3b54d0a745d73c00f by Stephen Kelly.
Committed on 02/11/2013 at 12:09.
Pushed by skelly into branch 'master'.

Remove FindKF5.cmake.

The functionality of it is now provided by a KF5Config.cmake file.

Remember to remove it from your install prefix to avoid future

CCMAIL: kde-frameworks-devel at kde.org

D  +0    -227  find-modules/FindKF5.cmake


diff --git a/find-modules/FindKF5.cmake b/find-modules/FindKF5.cmake
deleted file mode 100644
index 63eca70..0000000
--- a/find-modules/FindKF5.cmake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
-# Finds KDE frameworks 5 and its components, like e.g. KArchive
-# KF5_INCLUDE_DIRS - the include dirs of all requested components
-# KF5_<comp>_LIBRARIES - the libraries to link against of all requested components
-# KF5_<comp>_FOUND - signals whether the requested component <comp> has been found
-# Known "pseudo" components, these do not actually search any libraries, but offer other features.
-#   Compiler  -  When specified, KDE-recommended compiler flags etc. are applied. See KDECompilerSettings.cmake.
-#   CMake - When specified, KDE-recommended CMake settings are applied. See KDECMakeSettings.cmake.
-#   InstallDirs - When specified, the set of install variables is loaded. See KDEInstallDirs.cmake.
-# The following components do not have dependencies to any other components:
-#   ItemModels
-#   KArchive
-#   KCodecs
-#   KCoreAddons
-#   KDBusAddons
-#   KIdleTime
-#   kjs
-#   KPlotting
-#   KWidgetsAddons
-#   KWindowSystem
-#   Solid
-#   Sonnet
-#   ThreadWeaver
-# The following components have dependencies to some of the components above:
-#   KAuth
-#   KConfig
-# When searching for multiple components, the first real component is searched as usual
-# using CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH and additionally in the environment variables KF5_DIRS.
-# All following components are searched only in the same prefix as the first one, and in those
-# contained in KF5_DIRS. This is to ensure that a matching set of KF5 libraries is found.
-# Copyright (c) 2013, Alexander Neundorf, <neundorf at kde.org>
-# Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the BSD license.
-# For details see the accompanying COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file.
-# hmm, any better ideas ?
-set(KF5_VERSION_STRING "5.0.0")
-# we probably only want to search known components, so people don't start
-# misusing this file for searching their own libraries.
-set(knownComponentsTier1  ItemModels
-                          ItemViews
-                          KArchive
-                          KCodecs
-                          KConfig
-                          KCoreAddons
-                          KDBusAddons
-                          KGuiAddons
-                          KIdleTime
-                          KJS
-                          KPlotting
-                          KWidgetsAddons
-                          KWindowSystem
-                          Solid
-                          Sonnet
-                          ThreadWeaver
-                          )
-set(knownComponentsTier2  KDNSSD
-                          KAuth
-                          KCompletion
-                          KCrash
-                          KI18n
-                          KJobWidgets
-                          KNotifications
-                          KWallet
-                          )
-set(knownComponentsTier3  KBookmarks
-                          KConfigWidgets
-                          KDeclarative
-                          KDESu
-                          KDEWebKit
-                          KEmoticons
-                          KIconThemes
-                          KJsEmbed
-                          KNewStuff
-                          KParts
-                          KPrintUtils
-                          KPty
-                          KService
-                          KTextWidgets
-                          KUnitConversion
-                          XmlGui
-                          KDED)
-set(knownComponentsTier4 KCMUtils
-                         KStyle
-                         KDE4Support
-                         )
-   KIO
-   KNotifyConfig
-   Kross
-set(allKnownComponents Compiler CMake InstallDirs ${knownComponentsTier1} ${knownComponentsTier2} ${knownComponentsTier3} ${knownComponentsTier4} ${knownComponentsStaging})
-set(cmakeCompRequested FALSE)
-set(compilerCompRequested FALSE)
-set(installDirsCompRequested FALSE)
-set(firstComponent )
-set(followingComponents )
-# iterate through the list of requested components, and check that we know them all.
-# If not, fail.
-foreach(comp ${KF5_FIND_COMPONENTS})
-   list(FIND allKnownComponents ${comp} index )
-   if("${index}" STREQUAL "-1")
-      list(APPEND unknownComponents "${comp}")
-   else()
-      if("${comp}" STREQUAL "CMake")
-         set(cmakeCompRequested TRUE)
-      elseif("${comp}" STREQUAL "Compiler")
-         set(compilerCompRequested TRUE)
-      elseif("${comp}" STREQUAL "InstallDirs")
-         set(installDirsCompRequested TRUE)
-      else()
-         if(NOT firstComponent)
-            set(firstComponent "${comp}")
-         else()
-            list(APPEND followingComponents "${comp}")
-         endif()
-      endif()
-   endif()
-if(DEFINED unknownComponents)
-   set(msgType STATUS)
-      set(msgType FATAL_ERROR)
-   endif()
-   message(${msgType} "KF5: requested unknown components ${unknownComponents}")
-   return()
-get_filename_component(_kf5KdeModuleDir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../kde-modules" REALPATH)
-   include("${_kf5KdeModuleDir}/KDEInstallDirs.cmake")
-      message(STATUS "KF5[InstallDirs]: Loaded settings from ${_kf5KdeModuleDir}/KDEInstallDirs.cmake")
-   endif()
-   set(KF5_InstallDirs_FOUND TRUE)
-   include("${_kf5KdeModuleDir}/KDECMakeSettings.cmake")
-      message(STATUS "KF5[CMake]: Loaded settings from ${_kf5KdeModuleDir}/KDECMakeSettings.cmake")
-   endif()
-   set(KF5_CMake_FOUND TRUE)
-   include("${_kf5KdeModuleDir}/KDECompilerSettings.cmake")
-      message(STATUS "KF5[Compiler]: Loaded settings from ${_kf5KdeModuleDir}/KDECompilerSettings.cmake")
-   endif()
-   set(KF5_Compiler_FOUND TRUE)
-macro(_KF5_HANDLE_COMPONENT _comp)
-   set(KF5_${_comp}_FOUND TRUE)
-      message(STATUS "KF5[${_comp}]: Loaded ${${_comp}_CONFIG}")
-   endif()
-   set(KF5_LIBRARIES ${KF5_LIBRARIES} ${${_comp}_LIBRARIES} )
-   find_package(${firstComponent}  ${KF5_FIND_VERSION} CONFIG )
-   set(KF5_File "${${firstComponent}_CONFIG}}")
-   if(${firstComponent}_CONFIG)
-      _kf5_handle_component(${firstComponent})
-   endif()
-   # search for the other components first in the same directory where the first one
-   # has been found, and additionally in KDEDIRS. This is to make sure we don't
-   # get a random mix of installed KDE libraries.
-  get_filename_component(packages_dir "${${firstComponent}_DIR}/.." ABSOLUTE)
-   foreach(comp ${followingComponents})
-      find_package(${comp} ${KF5_FIND_VERSION} CONFIG
-        PATHS "${packages_dir}"
-      )
-      if(${comp}_CONFIG)
-         _kf5_handle_component(${comp})
-      endif()
-   endforeach()
-   set(KF5_File "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}")
-                                  REQUIRED_VARS KF5_File
-                                  VERSION_VAR KF5_VERSION_STRING
-                                  HANDLE_COMPONENTS
-                                  )

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