Plasma2 porting & framework-scratch branches

Sebastian Kügler sebas at
Wed May 1 14:55:28 UTC 2013

Hi all,

Since we're running out of components to port in plasma-frameworks (*cough*), 
this seems like a useful point to focus our porting in non-random branches. 
Therefore, I've created frameworks-scratch branches in which we can merge our 
ported Plasma bits and pieces. They're pretty bare-bones right now, only 
installing a few Plasma packages.

The following repositories now have frameworks-scratch branches:

* kde-workspace
* kdeplasma-addons
* kdeexamples

There's some serious CMakeLists.txt cleanup needed, but it basically should 
build / install for you, at least the few things that are actually already 
ported and enabled.

You can install those on top of plasma-frameworks with the usual cmake magic, 
described here:

Happy hacking!
sebas | | GPG Key ID: 9119 0EF9

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