KStandardDirs and locale path

Chusslove Illich caslav.ilic at gmx.net
Sat Jul 20 07:59:52 UTC 2013

> [: Albert Astals Cid :]
> Chusslove, now that we're discussing this, the current kde4 code allows
> .mo files to be under ~/.kde/ (thanks to the multiple possible paths of
> kstandarddirs) while the new one only finds them on
> QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation, I know some teams (and even lokalize
> i think) use this feature of installing in ~/.kde/ so that you don't need
> to have root to "install" the translation.
> Are we fine with losing that feature?

I never liked this as feature as such: why should it be possible to shift
one particular application's internal resource (i.e. non-config) to another
path, and not any other resources? I always looked at this as a pure
debugging facility for translators, somewhere in between using root and
building from source.

So, how about providing now something more strongly debugging oriented? Like
an environment variable where the translator (or a translation tool like
Lokalize) can set the search paths for compiled catalogs. Maybe it could be
taken as current ~/.kde/... if the environment variable is not set, to
preserve behavioral compatibility, though I'd rather have it only

Chusslove Illich (Часлав Илић)
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