[Important] Breaking change - Changing framworks lib and package names

Martin Klapetek martin.klapetek at gmail.com
Tue Dec 10 22:20:09 UTC 2013

Hi all,

all frameworks in tier1-tier3 now have been renamed to have KF5 prefix.
This is a breaking change and you must update your projects using KF5 (I'll
take care of workspace, runtime, konsole and kactivities, help with the
rest is welcomed). It's ready to be pushed and I'll push it tomorrow
morning. After it's pushed, please clean both your build dirs AND install
dirs (important). Detailed changes follows (exceptions below).

 * library names have changed to include the KF5 prefix, eg. libKF5Archive,
libKF5Emoticons etc.
 * linking to frameworks is now in form of KF5::Archive, KF5::Emoticons
etc. - the leading K was dropped
 * finding the package is now also with KF5 prefix and dropped leading K -
find_package(KF5Archive.. KF5Emoticons) etc.

So basically all you have to change in your CMakeLists.txt using KF5 are
two things - change find_package calls and change target_link_libraries
calls. To ease up the transition, Aurelien is preparing a porting script,
which will reside in plasma-framework/tools.

Some frameworks were not renamed, mostly due to estabilshed branding and
extensive usage of that brand/name through all of KDE code, these include:

 * KIO
 * KCMUtils
 * Kross
 * KDEWidgets
 * whole tier4 (KHtml, KFileAudioPreview etc).

Martin Klapetek | KDE Developer
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