KF5 Unit test results

David Faure faure at kde.org
Mon Sep 3 22:46:18 UTC 2012

On Friday 10 August 2012 14:19:17 Chusslove Illich wrote:
> > [: David Faure :]
> > 5 - kdecore-klocalizedstringtest (Failed) // I don't get it.
> > dgettext("kdelibs4", msgid) works in kdelibs-4.9 and not here....
> I've fixed this now.

Could you have another lock? It's broken again, and this time it's not due to 
catalogLocaleDir(), I checked it in kdelibs-4 and kf5, and it returns 
/usr/share/locale in both (with trailing slash in kdelibs-4, but adding one 
didn't help).

kdelibs-4.9 says:

QDEBUG : KLocalizedStringTest::translateToFrench() LANGUAGE=fr 
QDEBUG : KLocalizedStringTest::translateToFrench() "fr" bindtextdomain 
"kdelibs4" "/d/kde/inst/kde4.9/share/locale/" 
QDEBUG : KLocalizedStringTest::translateToFrench() translateStrict: "kdelibs4" 
Loadable modules -> Modules chargeables 

(where /d/kde/inst/kde4.9/share/locale/fr is a symlink to 

and kdelibs-frameworks5 (with qt4) says:

QDEBUG : KLocalizedStringTest::translateToFrench() LANGUAGE=fr 
QDEBUG : KLocalizedStringTest::translateToFrench() "fr" bindtextdomain 
"kdelibs4" "/usr/share/locale/" 
QDEBUG : KLocalizedStringTest::translateToFrench() translateStrict: "kdelibs4" 
Loadable modules -> Loadable modules 
(then it tries other catalogs, and fails).

/usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/kdelibs4.mo is being used in both cases.

Thanks for your help, I'm at a loss here.

David Faure, faure at kde.org, http://www.davidfaure.fr
Sponsored by Nokia to work on KDE, incl. KDE Frameworks 5

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