kemoticons is now in staging

David Faure faure+bluesystems at
Mon Nov 19 17:21:28 UTC 2012

On Monday 19 November 2012 17:52:39 Kevin Ottens wrote:
> * The only reason it depends on KConfig is to take a look in kdeglobals, we 
> might want to do that differently (QSettings could be a contender?)

I don't think we want that. Building on top of two translation frameworks is 
already going to be enough fun. Starting to use QSettings would go too far, 
IMHO, in terms of consistency and features (e.g. kiosk).

Let me say this differently: look at the huge mass of code in Qt: almost none 
of it uses QSettings to let the users configure things "from underneath".
Most of the time, the apps themselves have control over the various settings 
offered by the Qt API.
The exception is the stuff available in `qtconfig`, but that's quite limited.

So maybe this setting should be "left to the application", if that makes 

Looking at the code -- this is about the user-chosen theme. I guess having 
that global rather than per application makes sense. OK, so much for my 
general rule above. Well, a solution would be to implement the choice of theme 
with a symlink, just like icon themes do.

One could also look at how other desktop environments do this...

David Faure, faure at,
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