kdelibs split: February Iteration reminder

Kevin Ottens ervin at kde.org
Mon Feb 27 21:04:06 UTC 2012


On Monday 06 February 2012 19:45:05 Kevin Ottens wrote:
> I'm sending this email today as you are the lucky few choosen to be in the
> february iteration. From the look of the relevant table, we're in a pretty
> good situation already for this month:
> http://community.kde.org/Frameworks/Epics/Splitting_kdelibs#February_Iterati
> on
> Still, I'd like to make sure that everyone is aware of the goal of getting
> those frameworks done by the end of the month which will arrive quickly now.
> As I said the situation seems well engaged so far, I see only very minor
> issues with the february batch, but we need to make sure steady progress
> happens to hit the target.

So, only a couple of days left. Any progresses people? Apart from one module I 
don't think I heard much from most of the modules after my reminder.

It looks like most of you are then silently in need for help. Any volunteers 
to give our framework maintainers a hand? Most of the tasks needed to complete 
the modules should be rather simple as I pointed out in my previous email.

Kévin Ottens, http://ervin.ipsquad.net

KDAB - proud patron of KDE, http://www.kdab.com
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