Which package will provide the common KDE library version number ?

Sune Vuorela nospam at vuorela.dk
Fri Feb 24 18:16:06 UTC 2012

On 2012-02-24, Alexander Neundorf <neundorf at kde.org> wrote:
> * the version numbers of the projects themselves
> * the required Qt version
This might differ across frameworks. I see no reason to artificial bump
required version.

> * the required CMake version


> * the required extra-cmake-modules version


>> repositories to another solution having another script keeping another
>> line in sync across repositories.
>> Either the "set(CURRENT_LIBRARY_VERSION 5.3.10)"
>> or the
>> find_package(KF5BuildSpecs 5.2.3).
>> And by chosing the latter we require everyone to do complete lock-step
>> upgrades.
> What  is a lock-step upgrade ?

A requirement to upgrade other packages to upgrade a different package.

Like FrameworkA and FrameworkB. One is related to fetching imap mails,
the other   is related to paint svg images on screen.

I could imagine to want to be able to upgrade one without the other.
Given we promise source and binary compatibilities, it should be
perfectly possible. Except if we introduce artificial limitations like
this one.


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