KF5 Volunteer day 1: Done

Stephen Kelly steveire at gmail.com
Fri Feb 24 14:13:15 UTC 2012

Aaron J. Seigo wrote:

> On Friday, February 24, 2012 10:57:31 Stephen Kelly wrote:
>> Clean readable history is important for now and for the future.
> as long as we don't become too obsessive and start expecting git mastery
> from everyone who comes along. we need to keep the bar for participation
> low enough to be reached in practice (note: *not* "reachable in theory").
> i'm not advocating a messy history or screwy git repositories ... but wish
> to keep focused on being a realistic participation target. that is at
> least partially a matter of perception as well; if it sounds too
> difficult, people will assume it is dificult.

One way to ensure that would be for people to use personal clone repos for 
wip branches.

I don't know about all new people in general, but when I was starting out, I 
was more concerned with getting it right than getting it committed within 
one hour. :) Maybe I'm different in that way. 

I guess KDE wants everyone to be able to throw the paint on the bikeshed 
without ever having to learn anything about the tools.

It's not what I'd recommend, and I won't stand in the way of it being the 
KDE policy, but I'll offer to help people who want to do better.

> and pragmatically .. if people spend 1 hour coding and then even 30
> minutes fiddling with commit granularity and atomicity ... we will have
> fewer people contributing. not only because of the time spent on git fu,
> but because they come to contribute code not play with git.
> at the same time, your offer of guidance and help is really appreciated.
> :)

Yes, that offer will stand. 

I think it would be useful to know where newbies are confused with it or 
don't know the benefits of readable history or how to achieve it. That way 
the tutorial will follow from the discussion.

I know when I first read about git rebase and git commit --ammend I was 
scared to try it out because I didn't know what it could break (Nothing, if 
you know about creating backup branches etc).



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