Where to put KDE Frameworks cmake stuff...

Alexander Neundorf neundorf at kde.org
Tue Apr 24 19:20:05 UTC 2012

On Saturday 21 April 2012, Sune Vuorela wrote:
> On 2012-04-20, Alexander Neundorf <neundorf at kde.org> wrote:
> > * we will have a separate KF5 package, which will be a build-time
> > requirement for building KDE frameworks libraries. It will offer the
> > following features ** KDE approved compiler settings
> > ** KDE conforming install dirs
> > ** finding consistent installations of the KDE frameworks libraries
> > ** supporting a base and a shadowing KDE frameworks libraries
> > installation (e.g. kcore from the system + kwidgets from the user,
> > shadowing the kwidgets from the system)
> > 
> > * every KDE Frameworks library will depend at build-time on this KF5
> > package
> I really think this is going against what we are aiming for. modularity.
> not a new kdelibs.

I don't think it's only black and white.
It's at least black, one level of grey, and white.

Black: one big kdelibs. KDE 1..4
White: no kdelibs at all anymore, but 20 separate libraries. Gnome world ?
Gray: 20 libraries, which can be used and installed separately, but for which 
some additional rules are enforced to guarantee consistency

> I don't more layers of indirections in the build system is going to be
> good nor is it going to help getting the kde frameworks accepted outside
> a KDE context.

I really don't see a problem here.
For using such a library, you could simply do

No compile flags, no cmake settings, nothing else.

If you want to build KItemModels yourself, then, and only then, additionally 
you would have the dependency to the KF5-cmake package, which consists of a 
few cmake files, which don't add any runtime dependencies.

Speaking now as a proprietary Qt application developer, this wouldn't be a 
problem for me.
It would not add any licensing issues, it would not add any files which have 
to be distributed, my application would not have to link against anything 
additionally except the KItemModels library.


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