KF5 current status

Alexander Neundorf neundorf at kde.org
Sat Dec 3 19:43:46 UTC 2011

On Friday 02 December 2011, Stephen Kelly wrote:
> Hi,
> I thought it would be useful to have some statement of the status of KF5
> ahead of the meeting at the weekend. I think I have a pretty good overview
> of what is happening across the board.
> == What is happening ==
> A lot of the progress so far on KF5 has not been in the kdelibs frameworks
> branch. So far, a lot of progress has been instead been in the area of
> getting some of the required changes into Qt5 and CMake.
> David has been working on QStandardPaths, QTemporaryDir and QTemporary file
> to replace the KDE equivalents.
> Alex has been working on getting features into CMake to replace automoc and
> and some other stuff we've used such as macro_optional_find_package, and
> he's been working on the clean-up and auditing of Find files in
> extra-cmake- modules.

What's left to do:

* review the Find-modules in kdelibs (over 100), and find out which ones are 
currently needed in the frameworks branch. Here is an overview over the 
current state: 

* develop a future-proof mechanism for providing modules additional to cmake 
in extra-cmake-modules, i.e. so that using projects can decide which 
additional stuff they want to use, use some things maybe only for some 
versions of cmake, etc.

* come to a decision how to deal with pkg-config under Windows (and OSX ?)

* figure out how to define the default library install dir, taking Debian 
multiarch into account

* figure out how to deal with the install dirs in general:
** use GNUInstallDirs.cmake coming with cmake ?
** keep the support for "if I install to the same prefix as kdelibs (...what 
is kdelibs then ?), I want the same set of install dir", 

* improve the example in kdeexamples/buildsystem/HowToInstallALibrary/, so it 
can serve as reference

* somebody has to do the actual porting. Back in the KDE3->KDE4 days Laurent 
Montel did most of this work. Here is a (hopefully) complete list of changes: 

It would be nice if we could get Windows and OSX developers more actively 
involved with KF5.


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