GSoC '21 KMyMoney : I am stuck.

Thomas Baumgart thb at
Wed Jun 16 06:58:06 BST 2021

On Dienstag, 15. Juni 2021 21:30:32 CEST Suraj Kumar Mahto wrote:

> > Using the backtrace info and looking at the corresponding code it should
> become
> > clear what the problem is. How to solve it is another question. I would
> like
> > you to figure out, what the root cause of the crash is (shouldn't be too
> hard).
> > If you need assistance, please let us know. Once we know that, we try to
> figure
> > out what to do to solve it.
> Sorry for the late response.
> I think I have figured out the underlying issue. The kmymoneyrc file can't
> be loaded with local and is crashing the application. I concluded this by
> checking the last two lines of backtrace which is related to main.cpp file
> (error handling code). I am studying that part to figure out the solution.

This may depend on what you are doing to get to the crash. I simply open
the online quotes settings and press the New button at the top of that
dialog and immediately get the crash. Doing so, I could trace back the
problem to a nullptr assignment.

> Also, I was unable to test the execution in debug mode after setting the
> breakpoints because the application freezes when I try to open the kmymoney
> configuration window in the launch. This may be my system-specific issue.
> What do you think about it?

Not knowing your environment it is hard to comment on this. I do my
debugging mainly in KDevelop and don't have problems with a freezing



Thomas Baumgart       Signal, the better WhatsApp
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