Changing code to load bank data from SQLite DB

Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at
Thu Jul 2 22:48:26 BST 2020

Am 02.07.20 um 23:39 schrieb Ralf Habacker:
> Am 24.06.20 um 10:29 schrieb Ralf Habacker:
>> ||
>> |//don't use me any moreDEPRECATED ||bool isDataValidForDate(std::time_t date) const; |
> This example may not use usefull. The DEPRECATED macro should only be
> used for functions, which are outdated|| and should 
> be used anymore.||

Ralf |||

>> ||
>>> On Sun, 14 Jun 2020 at 01:35, Ralf Habacker
>>> <ralf.habacker at <mailto:ralf.habacker at>> wrote:
>>>     Am 13.06.20 um 06:52 schrieb Prasun Kumar:
>>>     > Hi mentors,
>>>     > I have tested the SQLite database to implement
>>>     > AccountNumberCheck::findbank() and it worked successfully. Now I'm
>>>     > ready to change the present code.
>>>     > So how should I make these commits? Should I replace the
>>>     current code
>>>     > by commenting them out
>>>     No  need for that as changes are recorded in git log
>>>     or should I remove them altogether?
>>>     yes, see above
>>>     > Also, there are many methods which deal solely with textfile
>>>     reading
>>>     > such as dataValidStartDate(), dataValidEndDate(),
>>>     isDataValidForDate(),
>>>     > find_closest_datafile to name a few.
>>>     >  bool isDataValidForDate(std::time_t date) const;
>>>     >
>>>      > /** Returns true if a bankdata file valid for the given date is
>>>      > * available, otherwise false.
>>>      >  *
>>>      >  * Whether this file has already been loaded has to be queried
>>>      >  * separately through isDataValidForDate().
>>>      >  *
>>>      >  * This function was introduced in ktoblzcheck-1.15.
>>>        */
>>>     This and the other methods are part of the public api and should
>>>     not be
>>>     removed as clients may depends on them.
>>>     > To make the commits small, I would be making a commit for each
>>>     method
>>>     > change.
>>>     yes, looks good.
>>>     Regards
>>>     Ralf
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