Questions on API for databases query

Prasun Kumar prasun.code at
Sat Aug 29 18:26:01 BST 2020

Hi Thomas,

I found usage of this in the KService::trader calls in e.g.
> QString ibanBicData::iban2Bic(const QString& iban)
> and other methods in this file:

Yes, that is where I found those properties being read for handling
queries. I wanted to understand how they are set.

To me it looks enough to install that descriptive file and KMyMoney will
> pick it up to access the database.

Okay, thanks.

There may be differences when installing with KDE4 and KF5.

Can you explain a bit? Which dependency is required for KdeInstallDirs?

I am not sure if you are referring to the part that is contained in
> KMyMoney.
Yes, it's a plugin in the older version of KMyMoney in the link that I
shared. Although It's not there in the
master branch.

There it stores the iban and bic data for a payee. Your code should not have
> an impact or dependency on that at all (from what I see).
Okay, thanks..


On Sat, 29 Aug 2020 at 22:32, Thomas Baumgart <thb at> wrote:

> Hi Prasun,
> On Samstag, 29. August 2020 18:49:03 CEST Prasun Kumar wrote:
> > Hi mentors,
> >
> > > Seehttps://
> > > which contains such an implementation. Adding this to ktoblzcheck needs
> > > some remapping..
> > >
> > > I looked through the implementation at
> >
> > and I had some questions.
> >
> > 1. How is the value of plugin variables like 'X-KMyMoney-CountryCodes'
> set?
> > I can see that for each country there is a .desktop file
> > in the plugins/ibanbic directory which is installed in the
> > ${SERVICES_INSTALL_DIR} directory which has this variable for every
> > country.
> > Is it sufficient for setting the value or is there some other code that I
> > am unaware of?
> > I looked through here:
> > but
> didn't
> > find self-defined properties.
> I found usage of this in the KService::trader calls in e.g.
> QString ibanBicData::iban2Bic(const QString& iban)
> and other methods in this file:
> To me it looks enough to install that descriptive file and KMyMoney will
> pick it up to access the database.
> > 2. ${SERVICES_INSTALL_DIR} is a part of KF5. So, should KF5 be added as a
> > required dependency to the library or
> > is there any smaller subset for this that can be used instead?
> There may be differences when installing with KDE4 and KF5.
> > 3. What exactly ibanbic-storageplugin does?
> I am not sure if you are referring to the part that is contained in
> KMyMoney.
> There it stores the iban and bic data for a payee. Your code should not
> have
> an impact or dependency on that at all (from what I see).
> --
> Regards
> Thomas Baumgart
> Signal, the better WhatsApp
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