[Kde-finance-apps] Re: Fwd: Season of KDE status check

Fernando Vilas fvilas at iname.com
Thu May 26 02:30:12 CEST 2011

On Wednesday, May 25, 2011 19:31:04 Thomas Baumgart wrote:
> Hi guys (did not spot any gals yet),
> Sorry, but I have to object here. The source of the transaction (in this
> case the mobile device) *must* assign the unique ID. See
> http://linux.die.net/man/3/libuuid for example. Use existing stuff and don't
> reinvent the wheel.
> The transaction is generated by the mobile app and later transfered to the
> desktop.


UUID algorithms are available in several places, but the library suggested 
would be a good starting point. If a certain mobile device could not use that 
library, the library could be ported; or failing that, the algorithms 
implemented on the device. The chance of collision is vanishingly small, but 
there is a penalty in length of the ID. That trade is worth it in almost every 

Fernando Vilas
fvilas at iname.com
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