[Kde-finance-apps] Re: payment detection

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Sun Jun 5 14:33:22 CEST 2011


on Sunday 05 June 2011 13:47:54 puneet goyal wrote:

> The invoice manager is not a different app right?
> each finance manager has a built in invoice manager?

Hmm, not really. Currently, we see Kraft as the application issueing an 
invoice. There could be others that we don't know of.

In general, I think each (KDE) user has a selected (preferred if you wish) 
finance mangement tool in his/her environment. So I don't see the use case to 
have one application sending the notification about a generated invoice and 
just one that needs to receive it.  Why would I want to manage my finances 
using two different tools?

How would the workflow look like? Start e.g. Kraft, create an invoice, print 
it (either to PDF or paper) and then? What is next?

> On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 5:06 PM, Alvaro Soliverez <asoliverez at kde.org> wrote:
> > On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 3:20 AM, puneet goyal <puneetgoyal08 at gmail.com> 
> >> hello sir,
> >> i was having a problem
> >> wil the user have to update in every finance manager he/she uses, or
> >> any one of them? and the rest gets updated themselves if the user
> >> validates it any one of the finance manager?
> > 
> > As far as I can say, the user should choose to update manually from
> > each finance manager.
> > 
> > Keep in mind that the payment originates in the finance manager. The
> > invoice manager is the one that stores the document that explain the
> > payment, and should be informed when the payment is made.
> > 
> > Others may disagree with me. Please always send the messages to the
> > list. You may have more timely answers from the rest, as I'm in the
> > furthest timezone from you.
> > 
> > Regards,
> > Alvaro



Thomas Baumgart

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