[Kde-finance-apps] stock quotes: help committing to svn?

Fernando Vilas fvilas at iname.com
Sun Jun 27 02:55:09 CEST 2010

On Saturday, June 26, 2010 19:36:52 Brian Cappello wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> So, for the life of me, I can't figure out how to use SVN. I've read the
> techbase articles and whatnot, but?
> When I try to checkout using the command
> svn checkout --username=bcappello svn+ssh://
> svn.kde.org/home/KDE/trunk/playground/alkimia
> it asks me for my password, which I give it, but it doesn't work.. it just
> asks for my password again and then fails. Am I missing something obvious?
> Considering I can't even get that to work, I haven't tried committing yet.
> I have my id_rsa.pub in ~/.ssh, the same key I used to register the
> account with, and I made a ~/.ssh/config file telling it to use that key
> for Host svn.kde.org, but.. i dunno, I'm lost for what to do. Any ideas?

Is the password prompt from the repository or your local ssh client?  You can 
tell if it is from the local client because it says something like 
"Enter passphrase for key '/home/bcappello/.ssh/id_rsa':"

If you have different passwords for your account than your ssh key, you may be 
entering the wrong password.

Also, my .ssh/config has a line in it, so I do not need to have my username on 
the command line. For reference (cat ~/.ssh/config):

Host *.kde.org
        User fvilas
        IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Fernando Vilas
fvilas at iname.com
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