[Kde-extra-gear] add_definitions in common CMakeLists.txt

Ian Monroe ian at monroe.nu
Thu Jul 3 16:47:38 CEST 2008

In Amarok we've imported the QtScript Binding generator. It's a Qt
application that didn't appreciate the KDE4 definitions. So Peter just
put it's add_subdirectory in amarok/CMakeLists.txt before we added
KDE4 specific-stuff and that worked fine for us.

But then someone who built Amarok not out of our directory directly,
but out of multimedia had strange problems. The
multimedia/CMakeLists.txt adds various KDE directives (eg QT_NO_STL).
It is possible to work around the issue, but it seems unnecessary to
have to.

So is it OK If I remove this line from multimedia/CMakeLists.txt:
add_definitions (${QT_DEFINITIONS} ${KDE4_DEFINITIONS})

I'll make sure that the module still compiles.

In general I think we should establish a policy of not having such
things in the CMakeLists.txt. I think this is all mostly all a
holdover from when automake took up a couple megabytes of common


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