[Kde-extra-gear] createPackage.sh patch

Sebastian Trueg sebastian at trueg.de
Fri May 27 16:18:46 CEST 2005

Hi there,

I created a patch for the createPackage script which allows me to use it
for k3b. It's basicly two things:
1. a parameter --notoplevel
  if set the script will not extract the toplevel data and not create a
  src subdir but put all the application files in the root directory. I
  need this for k3b since I need a special subdir order and have my own
  configure.in.bot and just think it looks way cleaner. :)
2. a parameter --pofiles
  It allows to specify which pofiles the app uses. K3b uses 4 and the old
  version of the script just extracted one of them, namely k3b.po. It
  defaults of course to the application name.
So if you don't use the parameters the script behaves just like before.
May I commit?


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Url : http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-extra-gear/attachments/20050527/1eeaac55/createPackage.bin

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