[Kde-extra-gear] Translations and branches - Summary

Mark Kretschmann markey at web.de
Thu May 5 11:47:35 CEST 2005


I would like to summarize our problem with branching again, to clarify the 
situation and prevent misunderstandings.

The problem for amaroK (I think this also applies to other applications in 
extragear), is this:

amaroK development normally happens in HEAD. After releasing a stable version 
(e.g. 1.2.0), we usually do a few point releases from HEAD (1.2.1, 1.2.2..), 
and then we create a branch. amaroK 1.2. now becomes amarok_1_2_branch, and 
HEAD becomes the future 1.3. So far so good.

The problem is that we still create bugfix releases from the 1.2 branch from 
time to time, e.g. 1.2.3. For these point releases we can't use the 
translations from HEAD, since they don't fit anymore (changed strings). 
Currently we must use the translations from an older release, which has the 
disadvantage that the translations cannot receive corrections. 

I think the translations must be branched as well, so that the translators can 
work on both HEAD and the older branch. Is this possible, and also acceptable 
for the translators?


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