[Kde-extra-gear] Branches and translations

Joris Guisson joris.guisson at gmail.com
Tue Jun 28 09:29:37 CEST 2005

Seeing that KTorrent is about to go in i18n freeze for 1.0, I have
some questions regarding branches and translations.

Say I release a 1.0 version, and after that start working on 1.1. Say
after 2 months somebody finds a security hole in 1.0, obviously I have
to patch this and release a 1.0.1 version (seeing that 1.1 isn't
ready). That 1.0.1 release needs the translations from the 1.0
version, not those from 1.1 (which in this hypothetical case has a
whole lot of different i18n strings).

The po files in trunk/l10n/[lang]/messages/extragear-network/ are
normally for the latest version, so how do I get previous translations
without having to remember all revision numbers for each translation
for each branch ?

Basicly, how are translations handled with different branches ? 

I also have another request :

Would somebody with sufficient karma please create :

And give me write access to those directories (my user name is guisson).


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